Agape Word Online
”A Church Without Walls Spreading God's Word Power Around the World“

Local & Foreign Missions
Here in Raleigh, North Carolina and around the world in the spirit of helping to advance the kingdom of God, we are supporting local, national, and foreign ministries, humanitarian organizations, orphans, and other worthy projects.

Providing a helping hand, but not a hand-out to means-tested and qualified believers in a time of financial crisis to show sympathy and understanding by providing limited charitable grants.

Demonstrating the power of the Gospel through preaching and teaching, healing, evangelism, foreign missionary trips, broadcasting God's Word on radio and television, and any means available.
Word Power Nugget
Weekly Inspirational Message
by Dr. Williams

This Week's Message
Dr. Jerry Miah Williams Gospel preaching and teaching of the Word of God for your encouragement and inspiration.